I would like to take the opportunity to introduce you to myself and Lionheart Construction, LLC. I am Julia Lunn, sole proprietor. I am originally from Princeton, Indiana which is in the middle of southern Indiana farm country. Where my family predominately rasied swine from farrow to feeder, corn, soybeans and ran my Grandfathers cattle farm once he got along in age. I enlisted in the United States Army February 24, 1988 and served as an enlisted Military Intelligence Analyst from Private First Class to Sergeant First Class for ten years. On May 21st 1998 I was commissioned to the United States Army Warrant Officers Corps; and proudly served my country as a Military Intelligence Officer. I retired as a Cheif Warrent Officer Three  on May 31st, 2008 with 20 years of service at the ripe old age of 38. While in the service I traveled the world: East and West Germany, Bosnia, Panama, Turkey, South Korea, Czech Republic, China, Spain, Kuwait, Bahrain, and Iraq (this place more times than I care to remember!).

After defending this great nation I decided two things. 1. I was too young to retire; okay really a retirement check only goes so far. 2. I wanted to become part of the very fabric of this nation that I defended proudly for so long. So I have gone back to my roots, farm country. 

Lionheart Construction LLC was established June 10, 2010 specializing in poultry house construction. Lionheart owns all necessary equipment to build monolithic and chain wall type construction. As well we have all necessary personnel and crews for complete construction. We have built poultry houses in Tennessee, Georgia, and South Carolina. However, we also build stackhouses, barns, farm buildings etc. We have all required Worker's compensation and General Liability Insurance. My authorized agent, representation on the jobsite and foreman is Roger C. Hart, the best builder in the poultry house construction business with over 30 years' experience. He is a pioneer in this area.  Roger is contracted exclusively to Lionheart Construction LLC. 

The government can say what they will, there is only one thing that is going to get our country out of the "economic downturn" and that is jobs created by the small business owners. I have the best crews, equipment, and know how in the poultry house construction business. I will send references per your request. All Lionheart Construction LLC needs now is to build your poultry houses. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. 


Julia Lunn

Lionheart Construction LLC